View Day: Tuesday, 18 November
Event: DoS: Overlord Challenge
Category: DoS
Baron Ticallion Carter issued challenge to Overlord Shakira. When the time came for the challenge to be resolved, Shakira announced that the Test of Worthiness would be used, and that Arithon Falessan would serve as her champion. In turn, Max Blue stepped in to defend the challenger.

Max defeated Arithon, 5-2 in 8 rounds, to clear the way for Ticallion to face the Overlord. Shakira then defeated Ticallion 5.5-1 in 11 rounds to defend her hold on the title of Overlord.

The challenge was officiated by Nicholas Tyme.

Event: DoM: Archmage Tourney
Category: DoM
Four spellcasters stepped forward to fight for the right to face the Archmage for his title. Participants included: Xerzes Maureen, Topaz, Vincent Smith, and Mur Ollavan. The format of the event was "double elimination with no brackets".

Coming out the winner after five rounds of dueling was Xerzes Maureen, who advanced to face Archmage Tim Enralyte.

The tournament was refereed by Etherean Esperwind.

On night two of the event, Archmage Tim Enralyte faced off with Xerzes Maureen for the right to be Archmage in a "best of three" format. The Archmage won the first duel handily, 5-2 in 8 rounds. Xerzes wasn't out yet, and won the second duel, 5.5-1.5 in 11 rounds. In the end, however, Tim retained his title by winning the last duel 5-2.5 in 9 rounds.

Tourney Results (on AOL)
Archmage Challenge (on AOL)

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