View Day: Monday, 25 November
Event: DoS: Overlord Challenge
Category: DoS
Cassius Maximius gave challenge, as was his right as Renegade Baron, to the Overlord.

At the time of the challenge, the Overlord indicated his intention to apply the Test of Worthiness. The Overlord named Drey Starke as his champion for the ToW. The challenger's champion not being in attendance, accepted the services of G'nort Dragoon-Talanador to face Drey.

The Overlord's tester was able to quickly put G out of the ring, winning 5.5-3 in 9 rounds. Cas himself then took the ring, and was also defeated by Drey, 5.5-3 in 12 rounds. The so-called "Blindfold Proxy" was never required to step into the ring, and retained his grasp upon the Overlordship.

Thanks to his win, Drey issued immediate challenge against Cas.

Var Medici-Giovanni officiated the challenge.

Event: DoS: Baronial Challenge
Category: DoS
Thanks to his successful application of the Test of Worthiness, Drey Starke was allowed to issue immediate challenge against Baron Cassius Maximius, for the right to wear the 9th Baron's ring.

The match was fought in a "best of three" format, and the Baron was able to win 5-3 in 12 in the first duel of his defense. The challenger was able to come back in the second duel, winning 5-0 in 5 rounds, perfectly shutting out the Baron to require a third duel. Apparently unrattled by his painful loss in the previous duel, Cas took a quick lead and won the duel 5-2 in 8 to retain his hold upon the Barony.

The challenge was officiated by Var Medici-Giovanni.

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